Église Saint-Martin, Urçay


L’église Saint-Martin d’Urçay est construite au XIe siècle dans le style roman. La nef a deux travées, est voûtée d’ogives, et le chevet est plat. La campagne principale de construction se situe au XIIIe siècle. Le clocher octogonal surmonte la façade, la toiture et en bois de châtaignier.

L’église est inscrite aux Monuments historiques en 1989. PA00093383

The church of Saint-Martin d’Urçay was built in the 11th century in the Romanesque style. The nave has two bays, is rib-vaulted, and the chevet is flat. The main building campaign took place in the 13th century. The octagonal bell tower tops the façade, the roof is made of chestnut wood.

The church was listed as a historical monument in 1989. PA00093383