Prieuré Saint-Martin, Riorges


Le prieuré bénédictin Saint-Martin est établi par les moines d’Ainay. Il devient possession des jésuites au XVIe siècle, suite au saccage subit durant les guerres de Religion. Vendu comme bien national durant la Révolution, il est propriété de la commune depuis 2004.

L’église Saint-Martin de Riorges a été construite au XIIe siècle par les moines bénédictins du prieuré. Elle est d’abord dédicacée à Saint-Laurent avant de l’être à Saint-Martin. Pillée pendant les guerres de Religion, elle sert de local de rangement de foin pendant la Révolution française. Elle est reconstruite au XIXe siècle.

The Benedictine priory of Saint-Martin was established by the monks of Ainay. It became the property of the Jesuits in the 16th century, following the sacking suffered during the Wars of Religion. Sold as a national asset during the Revolution, it has been owned by the commune since 2004.

The church of Saint-Martin de Riorges was built in the 12th century by the Benedictine monks of the priory. It was first dedicated to Saint-Laurent before being dedicated to Saint-Martin. Plundered during the Wars of Religion, it was used as a storage room for hay during the French Revolution. It was rebuilt in the 19th century.