Église Saint-Martin, Noyal-Muzillac


L’église Saint-Martin de Noyal Muzillac est fondée au XIe siècle. Elle subit des remaniements au XIIe siècle, au XVIIe siècle suite à un incendie, puis au XIXe siècle où sa nef est totalement reconstruite et au XXe siècle où sa nef est raccourcie pour les besoins de travaux de voirie. Elle conserve néanmoins sa voûte du XIe siècle.

On peut voir des vitraux d’Yves Dehais (XXe siècle), motifs eucharistiques, façade ouest Saint Martin partageant son manteau.


The church of Saint-Martin de Noyal Muzillac was founded in the 11th century. It underwent alterations in the 12th century, in the 17th century following a fire, then in the 19th century when its nave was completely rebuilt and in the 20th century when its nave was shortened for road works. It still has its 11th century vault.

Stained glass windows by Yves Dehais (20th century), with Eucharistic motifs, can be seen on the west side of the church, with Saint Martin sharing his cloak.