L’église Saint-Martin de Coulandon est construite au XIe siècle, dont la partie orientale conserve des traces. Un porche rectangulaire est ajouté au XVe siècle, et un clocher carré, au-dessus du chœur, a une toiture en pavillon datant de 1608. L’église Saint-Martin de Coulandon est classée au Monuments historiques en 1913.
L’église abrite un vitrail du XIIe siècle figurant saint Martin en évêque, mitré, tenant sa crosse de la main gauche, vêtu de vert.
The church of Saint-Martin de Coulandon was built in the 11th century, of which the eastern part retains traces. A rectangular porch was added in the 15th century, and a square bell tower above the choir has a pavilion roof dating from 1608. The church of Saint-Martin de Coulandon was listed as a Monument Historique in 1913.
The church has a 12th century stained glass window depicting Saint Martin as a bishop, mitred, holding his crosier in his left hand, dressed in green.