Église Saint-Martin, Coulombs-en-Valois


L’église saint Martin de Coulombs-en-Valois est construite au XIIIe siècle. Elle possède une nef romane et une nef gothique. Fortement abîmée durant les guerres de Religion, elle est reconstruite. Un clocher est ajouté au XVIIe siècle.

L’église Saint-Martin est classée aux Monuments historiques en 1987. PA00086903

Saint Martin de Coulombs-en-Valois church was built in the 13th century. It has a Romanesque nave and a Gothic nave. Heavily damaged during the Wars of Religion, it was rebuilt. A bell tower was added in the 17th century.
The Saint-Martin church was listed as a Historic Monument in 1987. PA00086903