Église Saint-Martin, Bucy-le-Long


L’église Saint-Martin de Bucy-le-Long est construite au XIIe siècle. La nef est le dernier vestige de l’église primitive. Le reste de l’église date du XVe et du XVIe siècle. Bâtie en croix-latine, l’entrée est surmontée d’un clocher-tour couvert d’une flèche en ardoise.

L’église Saint-Martin est classée aux Monuments historiques en 1923. PA00115566

The church of Saint-Martin in Bucy-le-Long was built in the 12th century. The nave is the last vestige of the primitive church. The rest of the church dates from the 15th and 16th centuries. Built in the form of a Latin cross, the entrance is surmounted by a bell-tower covered with a slate spire.

The church of Saint-Martin was classified as a historical monument in 1923. PA00115566