Charité de saint Martin, Naples


Ce bas-relief en pierre a  orné la chartreuse Saint-Martin de Naples. Le mouvement baroque du groupe cheval, cavalier, pauvre repose sur le parallélisme étroit entre les pattes arrières du cheval et les jambes du pauvre tendu vers le manteau que le saint écarte de son propre corps. L’épée a disparu.  Le pauvre quasi-nu porte une gibecière en bandoulière, qui semble résumer toute sa vie et sa misère. Saint Martin n’est pas nimbé mais vêtu comme un jeune prince au visage christique.


This stone bas-relief adorned the Carthusian monastery of Saint Martin in Naples. The baroque movement of the group horse, rider, poor man is based on the close parallelism between the horse’s hind legs and the legs of the poor man stretched out towards the cloak that the saint is pulling away from his own body. The sword has disappeared. The almost naked pauper is carrying a shoulder bag, which seems to sum up his entire life and misery. Saint Martin is not clothed in a nimbus, but dressed as a young prince with a Christ-like face.